by Robin | Aug 12, 2015 | Resource Lists
Ski Racing Magazine The international journal for competition snow sports. Live Timing Split Second Timing is the main supplier of Ski Timing & Scoring Software in the US and Canada. This website displays timing data from all over the world in real-time. Skiing...
by Robin | Aug 12, 2015 | Resource Lists
USSA US Ski & Snowboard Association NEMS New England Masters Skiing, Inc. VARA Vermont Alpine Racing Association NHARA New Hampshire Alpine Racing Association MARA Maine Alpine Racing Association TARA Tri-State Ski Racing Association US Ski Team – Alpine...
by Robin | Aug 12, 2015 | Resource Lists
Parents and guardians play a vital role in a child’s athletic development. This section has information on athlete development, resources, and more for parents. US Ski Team — Ski Racing 101 Resources on the framework of alpine ski racing to give a basic...
by Robin | Aug 12, 2015 | Resource Lists
Wise Words from Dr Jim Taylor A specialist in the psychology of sports, business, and parenting, Jim has been a consultant for the US and Japanese Ski Teams, and has been an invited speaker by the Olympic Committees of US, Spain, France, and Poland. All Alpine Ski...