Q. How will NEMSRF Alpine scholarship recipients be selected?

A. The selection committee will review all applicants and make the selection based upon criteria set forth in the application.

Q. Who is eligible for the NEMSRF Alpine Racing Scholarships?

A: Any athlete under 18 years of age as of December 31 of the current year, who is enrolled in an alpine-school, ski club, or USSA group.  The scholarship awards are weighted based upon financial need. 

Q. How many NEMSRF scholarship awards will be made?
A. 3 Alpine Scholarships will be awarded for the ski season.
(NH, VT, ME & Tri-State are eligible for the year of application.)
Q. What is the amount of the scholarship?

A. One award of $2,000.00 and two $1,500.00 awards will be granted.

Q. Is this a one-time award?
A. No. An athlete can apply in future years providing the financial need is required and the athlete participates in the racing program.
Q. How do I apply for the New England Masters Ski Racing Foundation Scholarship?
A. Qualified applicants should download the scholarship application form from the How To Apply page and complete it. Tell us about your financial need and how you will use the funds obtained from us. Have 2 character references write you letters of recommendation, and have them submit their letters directly to us. Your letters of reference and completed application must be post-marked/submitted by December 1st. See the How To Apply page for more information on the submission process.
Q. When is the application deadline?

A. Applications submitted & received by December 1 will be considered for the current scholarship season.

Q. When will applicants be notified of selection?

A. Those awarded a scholarship will be notified before Christmas .