
About New England Masters Ski Racing Foundation

New England Masters Ski Racing Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are associated with the New England Masters Ski Racing Association, a group of over 1,000 mature ski racers that love and participate in the sport. The New England Masters Ski Racing Association is affiliated with the United States Ski & Snowboard Association (USSA), a regional organization that sponsors races in the New England states.

As an adjunct organization of the New England Masters, the Foundation wants to perpetuate alpine ski racing by encouraging youth that have a financial hardship to “give it a try”. The Foundation provides assistance on a non-discriminatory basis to New England athletes 18 years of age or younger who participate in USSA-sponsored events.

Knowing that alpine ski racing can impose some financial barriers to entry and continuation, we have established a fund to help young racers of the New England area. You can help perpetuate and grow our Foundation and the sport with your donation, which will help provide annual funding and create an endowment.